Friday, September 26, 2008

Dullest Suspense Ever...

I've been rockin' a pair of Merrells for about three years now, and I have to say that they have taken a beating pretty well. Unfortunately, they farted out here recently. Honestly, I really wanted a new pair, but just can't bring myself to fork out the 100 bucks for 'em. So...I did some looking around and found a pair of Salomons that have a similar look. $90 pair of shoes for 40 bucks...not a bad deal, eh? We'll see. Anywho, they got delivered to my parents house today. Nobody was there though and so they didn't leave 'em........Bummer. I have to go to Pearl tomorrow the U.S.P.S. and pick them up. So, for one more day I have to pimp out my pair of $20 Wal-mart shoes that I've had for about a month and broke after only 2 weeks...W.A.L.M.A.R.T. spells quality right?


Jeremy Carman said...

So? Did you ever get em? How'd they work out?

John Michael George Jr. said...

got 'em...too narrow for my foot. went to a store and bought a pair of new balance running shoes. they're so-so.