Friday, September 26, 2008

Dullest Suspense Ever...

I've been rockin' a pair of Merrells for about three years now, and I have to say that they have taken a beating pretty well. Unfortunately, they farted out here recently. Honestly, I really wanted a new pair, but just can't bring myself to fork out the 100 bucks for 'em. So...I did some looking around and found a pair of Salomons that have a similar look. $90 pair of shoes for 40 bucks...not a bad deal, eh? We'll see. Anywho, they got delivered to my parents house today. Nobody was there though and so they didn't leave 'em........Bummer. I have to go to Pearl tomorrow the U.S.P.S. and pick them up. So, for one more day I have to pimp out my pair of $20 Wal-mart shoes that I've had for about a month and broke after only 2 weeks...W.A.L.M.A.R.T. spells quality right?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Late Night (early morning) Thinking...

I never seem to articulate things as well as they sound in my head. Not sure why my mouth and mind don't cooperate more than they do. I think my mouth likes my foot more than it likes my mind. My "I wish I hadn't said that" thoughts are a little bit faster on the trigger than my hand is to covering my mouth.

I don't like boiled squash. My mom made me eat it once when I was young and unfair as it may be to the squash, I have thought it repugnant since.

Eureka! Nearly my entire life I have detested mayonnaise...or so I thought. While living in China last year I began to eat mayo on my sandwiches ever so often (though I'm not sure why.) Oddly enough, I began to really enjoy it, after a lifetime of hating it. After returning to the States, some friends came over to our house to cook and eat. Brooke (my friend's wife and also my friend) made guacamole. She had used "Miracle Whip" to make it and I had always been under the impression that Miracle Whip was mayonnaise...umm, it's not. After a fun night of eating and hanging out. Brooke, her husband Tu, and their kiddos went home...leaving the Miracle Whip behind. The next day I hankered for sandwich, so I made one using the white goo masquerading as mayonnaise. IT WAS TERRIBLE! I began to air my grievences to my wife and she told me that mayo and Miracle Whip were certainly two different animals. Then came the light bulb above my head.........My mom had always bought miracle whip. Even when I was a young kid. So my lifelong hatred of mayo had been in vain. I'm sorry mayonnaise...truely, I'm sorry.

How did Peter connect David's words in Psalms as a prophecy of Judas' betrayel of Jesus?...I'm failing to understand this.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Lately, Lucy has been copying a nasty habit of mine...spitting. So, I've been trying to not do it so much and I get on to her when she does it. So begins this entry...

So my daughter, Lucy, had a major upheaval last night about 1:30 a.m. I had just dozed off only about 30 minutes prior when I heard her start to whimper (i'm guessing that's when she actually puked to begin with.) I tried to zone her out so I could get some much needed sleep, but it wasn't long before I heard her yell something out. So, I went over to pick her up, but instead of my daughter I came back with a handful of steamy upchuck. Yummy! Not what I was expecting. Now Lu had threw up only once before this, but not much at all. This was her first real time to call for Ralph and she didn't really know what to make of it. After sloshing the chunks off my hand I went to scoop up my kiddo and get her to the bathroom. When I knelt down beside her she said something to me that broke my heart. "Daddy, I spit...I sorry daddy." More often than not the thought of myself as a dad is surreal......this was not one of those times.